Moving your Lync Server 2010 CMS to Another Server

While I was working in a lab, I wanted to deploy another Frontend Server, move CMS and decommission the old Frontend; however there are some steps you must follow to accomplish

  1. From the Topology Builder Create New FE and publish
  2. Install your new front end server
  3. Move Conference Directory to the other frontend server by running the following PS Command : Get-CsConferenceDirectory | Move-CsConferenceDirectory -TargetPool
  4. verify that you have used local setup to run the Prepare Standard Edition server option to install CMS SQLRTC instance
  5. Run the following PS command to install the CMS database Install-CSDatabase -CentralManagementDatabase -SqlServerFqdn -SqlInstanceName rtc
  6. Run Enable-CsTopology
  7. Run the following PS command Move-CsManagementServer it will search for available pools and provide you with options to move the CMS
  8. In case of Disaster recovery run the following PS Command Move-CsManagementServer -ConfigurationFileName “C:\CsConfiguration.xml” -LisConfigurationFileName “C:\CsLisConfiguration.xml” –Force Where the LisConfigurationFileName is previously saved E9-1-1 backup file (if you are using E9-11); and ConfigurationFileName is your previously saved configuration backup file.


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